regala Libri Acquaviva

regala Libri Acquaviva
CHARLES BUKOWSKI, Tubinga, MARC CHAGALL, Milano, ALDA MERINI, Grecia, Utopia, ROMANZI, Acquaviva delle Fonti, RACCONTI CONTADINI, America, POESIE, ERNST BLOCH, Sogni, Gatti Pazzi, Spinoza, FEDOR DOSTOEVSKIJ, ITALIA, New York, FEDERICO FELLINI, Poesie di Natale

venerdì 10 maggio 2013

Giuseppe D'Ambrosio Angelillo LA VITA DI UN'ANIMA IN UN BORDELLO Acquaviva

These solitary hills have always been dear to me.
Seated here, this sweet hedge, which blocks the distant horizon opening inner silences and interminable distances.
I plunge in thought to where my heart, frightened, pulls back.
Like the wind which I hear tossing the trembling plants which surround me, a voice from the inner depths of spirit shakes the certitudes of thought.
Eternity breaks through time, past and present intermingle in her image.
In the inner shadows I lose myself,
drowning in the sea-depths of timeless love.
pensieri di un venditore di poesie milanese

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